Play is an essential part of the way your child learns. And it’s not just about burning off all their extra energy so that they can focus on the lesson (though that plays a part), it’s about learning through play. For children, play is about solving problems in the world around them and interacting with others. When they play, they are not only developing physically, but also mentally and socially.
At Virginia Academy, play is learning!
Playing the Distractions Away
Is your little one a ball of energy? Pent up energy can often lead to restlessness, an inability to focus, and behavior that hinders the learning process. By giving them a healthy and safe outlet for all of this energy, children become more focused and eager to learn and sit still—just for a little while!
Here are some ideas to spark your own creativity:
- Get out the scrap fabrics and let your child create their own “dress-up trunk”
- Give them plenty of unstructured time to play and explore outside
- Get out the chalk and bubbles and set them loose on the driveway
- Turn on the sprinklers and let your children run wild!
Learning Through Play
Children learn as they interact with others and their environment. This is one reason why play is so valuable in their education. They are learning while having fun: what better way to instill a love of learning in them?
Children also get the opportunity to put ideas and morals that they’ve observed into action when playing. Children learn things like sharing, honesty, and fairness. It serves as a great avenue for not only scholarly education, but also moral and life lessons.
The Importance of Socializing
Professor Jordan Peterson has written extensively and spoken about the need for young children to socialize with others. In fact, this is absolutely crucial for their development as functional people in society. By playing, children can begin to understand how people interact. It allows them to comprehend human nature and how people should be treated.
Play is absolutely essential for a child’s learning and overall development. The best kindergartens know this and ensure children get the playtime needed for proper development. Want to learn more about Virginia Academy’s outstanding kindergarten program? Start here!