Fine Arts
Virginia Academy offers visual art and chorus classes for every preschool and elementary student, enabling students to utilize their creative skills. In addition to classes and clubs, all students (preschool through HS) have the opportunity to perform twice a year.
Visual Arts
Visual art classes are provided every week for preschool and elementary students by an art teacher with years of visual art teaching experience. Every middle school student participates in visual art classes for a portion of the year, and high school students may elect to take any of the many full-year visual arts elective classes, including painting/drawing and ceramics. Students are taught a variety of techniques including drawing, painting, and sculpting.
Theater Arts
All preschool and elementary students participate in two performances a year. All 6-8th grade students participate in drama class where students have regular performance and speaking opportunities. This class provides a foundation for future upper school performing arts classes. Upper school classes take an in-depth approach to theatre and public speaking. Additionally, all upper school students have the option to participate in 3 shows including one one original Virginia Academy show every year, and each show averages 50 students involved both onstage and backstage. Any upper school student may audition for these productions.
Musical Arts
From preschool to upper school, students are able to develop and showcase their musical gifts and talents. In addition to music class offered weekly for all students preschool through 5th grade, students are introduced to musical instruments in early elementary levels. Grades 6 through 12 are able to participate in our choir, instrumental band, guitar and piano programs.