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Jessica Anderson
K3 Lead Teacher
CDA; AAS, Early Childhood Education - NVCC (in progress)

Christine Mills
Director of Enrollment Management
BA, Political Science - Marymount University

Nisha Moore
Lower School PE Teacher
BS, Health Promotion - Lynchburg College

Allison Savage
Lower School Music Teacher
BA, Music Education - Westminster College

Hannah Park
Computer Teacher
MEd, Curriculum & Instruction: Secondary Education - Biology

Amber Lambie
Marketing and Comms Coordinator
BS, Strategic Communications - Liberty University

Shane Falgiano
Upper School PE Teacher
BS, Physical Education & Health - Canisius College

Sandy Anderson
Academic Support Coordinator
BS, Special Education and Elementary Education K-6 - Liberty University

Benjamin Finley
Upper School PE Teacher
BS, Sports Management - Pensacola Christian College

Janelle Ward
Academic Support Teacher
BS, Communication - George Mason University

Colson Mullen
Upper School History Teacher
BA - Grove City College; MA, History - Liberty University