
Your Child Is Not Just a Number—Personalized Attention Pays Off

Small class sizes have become a key selling point in private education, and with good reason. “Small classes” aren’t trendy—they are effective at fostering student success. In a private school setting such as Virginia Academy, you and your student become cherished members of the academic family. Your child is not just a number. Each student matters profoundly to the academic …


Parents: Pay Attention to School Settings, the School Environment Impacts Learning

Does your child’s physical classroom setting matter? Isn’t learning learning, no matter where it takes place? Not necessarily. In fact, the classroom setting can influence more than you might imagine.  Researcher Annie Murphy Paul has uncovered that “the physical environment can have such an impact on students that it could affect a student’s academic progress by as much as 25%.”  …


How Important Is the Right Kindergarten Through Third Grade Foundation?

Early elementary school isn’t just for dramatic play and recess anymore. The foundation your child sets in kindergarten through third grade can set the stage for the rest of their academic career. But don’t panic! There’s no need to feel heavy pressure. Early childhood education is an incredibly rich time for your child’s rapidly developing mind; their brains cannot wait …


The “New” First Grade: What to Expect When Your Child Starts Kindergarten

“I just don’t understand this math homework,” my bewildered friend texted me late one night at the beginning of the school year. His oldest had just started kindergarten, and yes, he already had homework. Homework that was perplexing to even his bright, 30-something-year-old parents.  Kindergarten has changed in the last decade, and not everyone is happy about it. Today, pre-kindergarten …

The Importance of Play in Kindergarten

Play is an essential part of the way your child learns. And it’s not just about burning off all their extra energy so that they can focus on the lesson (though that plays a part), it’s about learning through play. For children, play is about solving problems in the world around them and interacting with others. When they play, they …

3 Steps to Healthy Brain Development in Kindergarten

More and more parents are putting an academic focus on their children’s earliest years. Science has shown us that 90% of a child’s brain develops by the age of five. “A newborn baby has all of the brain cells (neurons) they’ll have for the rest of their life, but what really makes the brain work—and enables us to move, think, …