Annual Report Cover: Girl Singing

An Inside Look at VA Academy 2023-24

The 2023-24 school year was a pivotal year for Virginia Academy! It was a year of incredible growth as we completed construction on our new building expansion, which made it possible for us to reach hundreds of new students. We saw our students grow in faith, scholarship, and purpose. Across elementary, middle, and high school, over 30 students made the …

Boundaries: The Magic Skill for Middle Schoolers

The tween years may just be some of the most challenging of all for child and parent alike. Middle school is a uniquely awkward time, featuring highlights such as the start of puberty, new interest in the opposite sex, and outlandish amounts of insecurity. Combined, you end up with a perfect storm of relational drama and unchecked mood swings that …

Encouraging Self-Esteem in Your Middle Schooler

Middle school is a challenging time for parents, but don’t forget, being pre-teen is tough for your child too! The tween years are notorious for being a time of fragile self-confidence. The combination of hormone surges, developing bodies, attraction to the opposite sex, drama with friends, and preparation for impending adulthood can create a whirlwind of emotional instability and insecurity. …

The Company You Keep – Your Child’s Middle School Experience

Are you and your child experiencing the sudden collision of hormones, emotions, desire for approval, and academic pressure of middle school? Don’t panic! You are not alone. Middle school is a uniquely awkward time in a young person’s development, emotionally, physically, and socially. Even one of these factors could be a major source of stress for students and their parents …